The Japanese learning application on the phone is completely free.

heyjapan blogApp introduction
heyjapan blog2024-06-03
The Japanese learning application on the phone is completely free.

The demand for learning Japanese is increasing day by day, so the cost of learning is gradually becoming more expensive. This article is for those who are seeking an effective method to learn Japanese while saving costs and being able to study anytime, anywhere. The article provides a free and easy-to-access Japanese learning app on your phone that can be accessed on all your devices.

1. Is learning Japanese difficult?

Japanese is a combination of 3 alphabets: Kanji, Hiragana, and Katakana. Everyone who wants to conquer the path to Japan must pass the Japanese Language Proficiency Test with a level of N5 or above. Currently, the levels of Japanese include 5 levels. From N5 (the lowest level) to N1 (the highest level). To pass this proficiency test, many people choose to go to Japanese language centers or online Japanese courses.

The trend of self-study at home and online learning using apps is becoming increasingly popular. Because this is a fast, convenient, and low-cost way of learning. However, to achieve effectiveness with this learning method, learners need to have high discipline and self-motivation. With effort and determination, many self-directed learners have achieved high achievements. Therefore, in general, self-study of Japanese is feasible and not too difficult.

2. Learning Japanese on Your Phone

2.1 Introduction to the App

HeyJapan - The top-ranked Japanese learning app provides a solution for beginners. With the aim of helping learners master basic Japanese in just 2 months of use, HeyJapan offers knowledge ranging from the most basic, such as the alphabet, grammar, and basic vocabulary. Standardized according to the method of learning Japanese through each topic, lessons from basic to advanced help new learners feel easy and effective.

• Master basic Japanese after just one hour of study per day, in 2 months.

• Provides the most optimal and cost-effective learning path

• Experience learning that is smart, friendly, fun, and full of energy

For all learners from 4 years old and above

Target audience: For all learners from 4 years old and above

Version: Free and paid

Devices: PC/Mobile/Tablet/ Web online


2.2 App Experience

The HeyJapan app is now compatible with both iOS and Android operating systems. The app has a free trial version and a premium high-end version. Users can experience more utilities with the premium version, easily look up information, and use it even without internet access. All data is synchronized and stored on the device for convenient learning anytime, anywhere.

HeyJapan is now compatible with both operating systems

You can search for the app by name "HeyJapan" or download it from the following links:



After downloading, you can easily use and experience the free lessons. If you don't want to download immediately, you can access the HeyJapan website here. The website currently has similar features to the app, allowing users to try it out completely for free.

2.3 Community

Learning can be boring without companionship. Therefore, you can join the self-study Japanese community to learn and progress together with others. Join now at:


The article has introduced a completely free Japanese learning app on mobile. This is a good learning resource, however, just relying on the app alone is not enough. To progress quickly, you need to actively practice regularly and study diligently. At the beginning, nothing is easy. However, every effort will be rewarded proportionally to what you put in.

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